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Talkin' Dirt
2017 Issues

Ellen Caywood shares tips she's learned to make gardening easier so it continues to be enjoyable as we age. ​

Ellen Caywood's creative methods for growing a veggie garden on an old driveway.

There's lots to be done in the garden this month, and some great plants to add color and fragance.

2016 Issues

The Marianne Binetti version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’

It's time to tuck the garden in for winter. 

Fall is here and it's time to plant bulbs, spruce up container plantings, and deal with fallen leaves. 

As summer turns to fall, it's time to clean up the garden, control pests and weeds, a help out our feathered friends. 

Be innovative, inspired, and incredible in your garden.

Be prepared to protect your plants from changing weather, fertilize and care for flowering shrubs, plant, weed, control pests.

Smart shopping trips to take with you to the nursery.

Welcome spring! Time to finish pruning fruit trees, control slugs, divide perennials, and weed.

Head out to your favorite nursery to find plants to add color and fragrance to your garden now. Also check out the bareroot and potted roses. An easy method for cutting back ornamental grasses.

Prepare for the coming gardening year by cleaning and repairing tools and sharepening the lawn mower. Feed the birds, Protect plants from heavy snow. Start craft projects and a garden journal. Order heirloom seeds.

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